Swap Screen Time for Reading Time

Swap Screen Time for Reading Time

Encouraging children to read is a positive way to steer them away from competing distractions and promote academic success. By making reading a regular part of their routine, parents can help their children develop strong reading skills. Moreover, by providing children access to a diverse range of topics and authors parents can help foster a love for reading and lifelong learning in their children. It's important for parents to actively shape their children's perspectives from the negative influences on social media, that often exposes children to violence and unhealthy images, and steer them towards books and reading.

I am reminded of the Book It program from Pizza Hut many years ago. For every book a child reads a personal pan pizza is rewarded to that child from a Pizza Hut restaurant. This was a great way of rewarding youngers for prioritizing reading and in return receiving a personal pan pizza. We should continue to find creative ways to motivate children to read.

We need to equip our kids with the tools they need to thrive both in and outside of the classroom. Let’s promote less screen time with more reading time. My latest book, Safety Seal, which is suitable for children aged 10 and under follows the story of a young seal who sees every day as an exciting journey. This book teaches kids about personal safety and how to handle situations when they are away from home. Provide your child a head start by encouraging reading. Learn some ways to help foster reading for your child.

  • Be a good role model,  make sure your children see you read
  • Encourage children to read independently and aloud
  • Establish daily reading between 15-20 minutes
  • Reduce screen time, increase reading time
  • Use activities that require reading such as using a recipe, or reading a list of chores
  • Visit the library often, and make sure your child has their own library card

Make reading a fun part of your child’s day.
