Whatever is bothering you, some quality time in bed may help.
You may be facing something so difficult that your mind is spinning like a race car wheel, and it speeds up when your eyes close. I know the feeling, but I’ve found that after a good night’s sleep I’m more likely to come up with ways to handle the problem.
In this week’s video, I share how I felt recently after just one night.
Sleep is mentioned several times in Rent-A-Cop Reboot, because I thought I was doing the right thing when it comes to getting proper rest. It turned out that one small change in my nighttime behavior made a big difference.
If you’re not getting enough sleep you may need to break some bad habits. For example, cut the amount of liquid you drink before bed, especially alcohol and caffeine. They may help you out for a little while but in the long run they can disrupt your sleep.
Develop sleep-friendly habits, like making sure your bedroom is dark and a little cool when you’re ready to go to sleep.
I know what it’s like to squeeze more work into the day by drinking coffee and energy drinks to stay awake. But you can’t keep fighting your body’s basic needs and win. The last place where you want to be when your body goes into sleep mode is behind the wheel of a vehicle, in the middle of a job where lives are at stake, or completing an important task for someone you love.
No matter what is going on in your life, do yourself a favor and sleep it off.
Check out past videos about self-care topics like sleep at the Leumas Publishing YouTube Channel.
Above Image: Shutterstock/Motortion Films